Focus on LTBI - Seattle

July 12, 2023 Training Materials 
(Seattle, Washington)


NOTE: The cases will not be provided per speaker's preference.



University of Washington, South Lake Union
Brotman Auditorium 
850 Republican
Seattle, WA

Time: 8:30 am - 4:15 pm [Registration/Start Pre-test: 7:45 - 8:30 am]
         [ **Please NOTE: some of the times may have changed**]

Cost: There is no fee for this training. (Lunch will NOT be provided)

Credit: This training is approved for up to 5.50 continuing education hours (see below). Certificates will be available approximately 12 weeks after the training.



Latent TB Videos for Healthcare Providers 
A series of three two-minute videos designed to help providers talk to their patients about latent TB infection testing and treatment. Produced by TB Free California in collaboration with CITC.


Training Materials
Training Location & Directions_SLU UW
Nearby Hotel and Restaurants in Seattle
2023 July SEA Focus on LTBI_Agenda [updated 6.26]
2023 July SEA Focus on LTBI_Objectives
2023 SEA LTBI_Credit & Disclosure Page
1_LTBI: BACKGROUND & SCREENING_Michelle Haas [updated 7.10]
2_LTBI DIAGNOSIS_Sylvia LaCourse
3_LTBI TREATMENT_E. Chandler Church
5_LTBI Case Discussion: Key points_Masa Narita
RESOURCE: Medical Consultation Service_CITC Warmline Brochure
RESOURCE: Rifamycin Drug-Drug Interactions: A Guide for Primary Care Providers Treating Latent Tuberculosis Infection
RESOURCE: Think TB English Flyer_Public Health - Seattle & King Co.
RESOURCE: Think TB Flyer for Providers_Public Health - Seattle & King Co.
Date range