The Tailored TB Training (TTT) program is Curry Center’s effort to bring customized tuberculosis training to nurses, physicians, and allied healthcare workers working in the field throughout the western region of the United States. These trainings can be 4-8 hours in length, and the topic areas will be jointly determined by the hosting jurisdiction and CITC staff. Partnership with local faculty is encouraged, particularly for full-day trainings.
Thank you for your interest in this training opportunity. We are now accepting applicaitons for 2024.
Role of the hosting jurisdiction:
- Assist in determining training topics/agenda, based on local needs determined by needs assessment activities
- Identify local staff to assist in the plannings
- Assist in recruitment of local TB program staff and/or content experts to serve as faculty
- Identify and secure site where training will take place
- Market and publicize training to target audience
- Provide A/V and other technical support
- If possible, provide coffee and/or refreshments on day of training
Role of Curry International Tuberculosis Center:
- Coordinate and facilitate planning the training
- Assist in development of training agenda
- Assist in needs assessment activities to help determine agenda
- Create brochure (electronic and/or hard copy) to market training to appropriate learners
- Manage registration of participants
- Provide access to the materials developed for the training
- Provide a CITC faculty/trainer and assist in securing local faculty, as needed
- Provide continuing nursing education contact hours (and certificates) and/or continuing medical education contact hours (and certificates) for all eligible participants
- Evaluate training and provide summary of feedback to hosting jurisdiction
If you are located in the western region and wish to apply for a training:
- Use the TTT Application Form below to provide a written statement indicating why you are interested in hosting a Tailored TB Training in your jurisdiction.
- Include background information/data on TB training needs of the target audience in your locale.
- Identify specific topic(s) of interest (e.g., case management, identification and treatment of latent TB infection, TB outbreak management, etc.) and local faculty/trainers who may be willing to serve as faculty for the training.
- Provide several possible training dates (month/year) that would work for you.
- All applications will be reviewed by CITC’s Health Education Committee. Applicants will be informed of their application status within 1 month of submitting their application.