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Featured Product

Rifamycin Drug-Drug Interactions: A Guide for Primary Care Providers Treating Latent Tuberculosis Infection

scattered capsules in different colors

Rifamycin Drug-Drug Interactions: A Guide for Primary Care Providers Treating Latent Tuberculosis Infection was created through a collaboration of the State of California Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Branch (CDPH), the Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy (EMSOP), the Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute (GTBI), and the Curry International Tuberculosis Center (CITC).

Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in Schools Toolkit

Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in Schools Toolkit cover page

Developed in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health, the Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in Schools Toolkit is designed for health department staff responsible for planning and conducting TB contact investigations (CIs) in school settings.

The Toolkit contains guidance, tips and tools for planning and implementing a thorough school TB contact investigation. Tools and content can be adapted and modified to conform with state and local TB program guidelines, policies and procedures.

Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician (Self Study Presentation)

Go to online Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician (self study) page

A 54-minute self-study module, this online tool allows learners to listen as CITC's medical director, Lisa Chen MD, presents the basics of how to read chest radiographs: covering basic anatomy, disease patterns, and tuberculosis specific presentations. Learners can listen or read along at their own pace.

Target Audience

  • Clinicians and healthcare professionals


Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician Presentation Guide (Teaching Tool Set 2 of 2)

Go to online Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician Presentation Guide (Teaching Tool Set 2 of 2) page

The animated teaching slide-set (adapted and used for the audio-visual presentation above) is available here in a version first developed as part of a set of teaching modules for the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC).

The teaching notes are more detailed than in the self-study version to help prepare the presenter with background information for training as well as offering interactive teaching suggestions and slide-show animation cues.

Date of Release: June 2011

Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician Presentation Slide Set (Teaching Tool Set 1 of 2)

Go to online Basic Chest Radiology for the TB Clinician Presentation Slide Set (Teaching Tool Set 1 of 2)

The animated teaching slide-set (adapted and used for the audio-visual presentation above) is available here in a version first developed as part of a set of teaching modules for the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC).

The teaching notes are more detailed than in the self-study version to help prepare the presenter with background information for training as well as offering interactive teaching suggestions and slide-show animation cues.

Date of Release: June 2011

Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series

Go to online Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care page

The Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series is comprised of a series of short, online lectures presented in easy to digest segments. The first five installments are now available and the complete series will cover major topics pertaining to epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment regimens, monitoring and case management, side-effects, prevention and isolation, treatment of contacts, and special situations. 

Date of Release: December 2017 -  March 2020

California Tuberculosis Risk Assessment

Go to online California Tuberculosis Risk Assessment page

California Tuberculosis Risk Assessment is a product developed jointly by the Tuberculosis Control Branch at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA), and the Curry International tuberculosis Center (CITC).  The tool is designed to help clinicians select adults for LTBI testing who are at high-risk for TB exposure or progression to TB disease.

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians, 3rd edition/2022 Updates

tuberculosis bacilli in blue hue
First released in 2004, the Guide is a joint publication of CITC and the Tuberculosis Control Branch of the California Department of Public Health. The Guide’s information and user-friendly tools can be used by any provider who participates in the management of patients with drug-resistant TB. Ten chapters cover major topics pertaining to epidemiology, diagnosis, laboratory issues, treatment, medications, pediatrics, co-morbidities and special situations, monitoring and case management, adverse reactions, and treatment of contacts.

Homelessness and TB Toolkit

Go to online Homelessness and TB Toolkit page

Developed in collaboration with CDC, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, US Interagency Council on Homelessness, and many other health and social service organizations, the Homelessness and TB Toolkit contains guidelines, forms, signs, educational materials, and other resources collected from many sources in the United States and Canada. The forms are presented as templates that can be modified or edited for a given site’s needs.

Latent TB Videos for Healthcare Providers

Go to online Latent TB Videos for Healthcare Providers page

Latent TB Videos for Healthcare Providers is a series of three videos designed to help providers talk to their patients about latent TB infection testing and treatment. The two-minute videos, produced by TB Free California in collaboration with CITC, cover the topics: Why Should I Get Testing for Latent TB?  Why Do I Need Treatment for Latent TB? and I Received the BCG Vaccine: Do I Still Need Latent TB Testing and Treatment?

LTBI Flipbook: A Patient Education Tool

Go to online LTBI Flipbook page

This product was developed as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and TB Centers of Excellence, U.S. Affiliated Pacific Island initiative. The flipbook is designed as a guide and teaching tool for healthcare personnel to use when providing patient education to persons at risk for TB infection, or newly diagnosed with LTBI. It contains basic information on latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), its diagnosis, transmission, treatment benefits and potential side effects. 

Making The Connection: An Introduction to Interpretation Skills for TB Control, 2nd edition

Go to online Making the Connection page

Video (29 minutes):

This video serves as an introduction to working with interpreters by addressing skills that help TB Control staff successfully facilitate interpreted sessions. 

Skills include:

  • Conducting pre-sessions
  • Employing three styles of interpreting
  • Using a variety of tools to promote accuracy and completeness
  • Demonstrating telephone interpreting in the field

Viewer’s Guide (PDF):

Medical Management of Tuberculosis: An Online Presentation

Go to online Medical Management of Tuberculosis page

This slide presentation with streaming audio provides information on how to manage treatment of tuberculosis (TB). A question and answer session, a printable PowerPoint slide file, and other useful resources are also included as supplemental materials.

Target Audience


  • Clinicians and healthcare professionals

Karen Smith, M.D., M.P.H.
Public Health Officer
Napa County Public Health
Napa, California

Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB Treatment

Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB Treatment cover image

Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB Treatment is a collaborative project between CITC and the International Council of Nurses (ICN). The guide was developed by nurses with experience in the clinical care and programmatic management of tuberculosis (TB) and drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in both high- and low-resource settings.

The guide is designed as a reference and job aid, so nurses can quickly: 

Pediatric Tuberculosis: A Guide to the Gastric Aspirate (GA) Procedure

Go to online Pediatric Tuberculosis: A Guide to the Gastric Aspirate (GA) Procedure page

This is an online resource that helps clinicians determine when to use and how to conduct the Gastric Aspirate procedure. This resource includes:

  • Step-by-step guide
  • Brief demonstration video clip

In addition, this tool also provides helpful tips, a list of tools and supplies needed for the procedure, and reading materials for healthcare providers and families.

Date of Release: 2003

Pediatric Tuberculosis: An Online Presentation

Go to online Pediatric Tuberculosis page

UPDATE: This video is undergoing an update and the new version will be posted when complete

This 5-part video presentation (50 minutes total) provides information to strengthen the diagnostic and treatment skills of clinicians working with children with latent TB infection (LTBI) or active TB disease. This course also includes extensive additional resource materials, including provider fact sheets, instructions for families, monitoring forms, dosing tables, and algorithms.

Target Audience

Practical Solutions for TB Infection Control: Infectiousness and Isolation

Go to online Practical Solutions for TB Infection Control page

This 60-minute presentation with streaming audio and interactive questions provides information on how to determine whether your TB patient is infectious and demonstrates practical ways that you can prevent TB transmission in your clinic, in transit, and in the patient's home.

  • Healthcare workers who interact with TB patients, who supervise staff working with TB patients, or who manage clinics that provide services to TB patients.


Tuberculosis Program Manual Template

Go to online Tuberculosis Program Manual Template page

The Tuberculosis Program Manual Template is a set of fully editable Word 
files that provides standardized guidance to public health staff in 
a low-incidence region.

Created from the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, expert opinion, and input from an advisory panel of representatives from the four states (Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming), the Tuberculosis Program Manual Template covers a comprehensive range of topics designed to meet the needs of low-incidence states/jurisdictions.

Tuberculosis Radiology Image Library

Go to Tuberculosis Radiology Image Library page

An open-access resource library of radiographic images of tuberculosis. Individuals may use these images to gain an appreciation for the broad spectrum of radiographic manifestations of tuberculosis. The images are free to download and share for non-commercial educational purposes. This product was produced in collaboration with the Firland Northwest Tuberculosis Center.

To contribute radiographs and help us grow this site, submit images to the editors at


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