
Medical Management of Tuberculosis: An Online Presentation

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This slide presentation with streaming audio provides information on how to manage treatment of tuberculosis (TB). A question and answer session, a printable PowerPoint slide file, and other useful resources are also included as supplemental materials.

Target Audience


  • Clinicians and healthcare professionals

Karen Smith, M.D., M.P.H.
Public Health Officer
Napa County Public Health
Napa, California

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians, 3rd edition/2022 Updates

tuberculosis bacilli in blue hue
First released in 2004, the Guide is a joint publication of CITC and the Tuberculosis Control Branch of the California Department of Public Health. The Guide’s information and user-friendly tools can be used by any provider who participates in the management of patients with drug-resistant TB. Ten chapters cover major topics pertaining to epidemiology, diagnosis, laboratory issues, treatment, medications, pediatrics, co-morbidities and special situations, monitoring and case management, adverse reactions, and treatment of contacts.