UPDATE ALERT - August 15, 2008
The Tuberculosis Program Manual Template has been updated, and revised files have been posted to this website and are linked below.
A summary of revisions and a set of files that display electronic tracked changes to the template are available upon request.
If you would like to request the revision summary and the electronic tracked changes, or if you have any questions about the template, please contact the Curry International Tuberculosis Center, at (510) 238-5100 or CurryTBCenter@ucsf.edu.
Thank you.
The purpose of the Tuberculosis Program Manual Template is to provide standardized guidance to public health staff in a low-incidence region.
The Tuberculosis Epidemiological Studies Consortium (TBESC) Task Order 6 (TO6) focused on developing and implementing regional tools for TB control and elimination in low-incidence areas. TO6 is being implemented through the Curry International Tuberculosis Center of the University of California, San Francisco, and involves four low-incidence states in the western United States: Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming.
To address these states' TB control program needs, regional interventions were developed and prioritized through a consensus process that involved the four states as well as other partners. The interventions include, among others, a customizable TB manual template that presents national TB control guidelines for use in the field.
Created from the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, expert opinion, and input from an advisory panel of representatives from the four states, the Tuberculosis Program Manual Template covers a comprehensive range of topics designed to meet the needs of low-incidence states/jurisdictions.
Instructions and Downloadable Files
The Tuberculosis Program Manual Template is a set of fully editable Word files. For tips about how to use the template, see the following: Instructions on Using the Tuberculosis Program Manual Template. If you have questions about the template, please contact us at (510) 238-5100 or CurryTBCenter@ucsf.edu.
Each section is a separate word file. To download a complete set of the template's Word files, click on the link for the Entire Template. Also, each file can be downloaded separately by clicking its link below.
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Disease
Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease
Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection
Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection
Supplies Materials and Services
State Manuals Based on the Template
Montana and Washington have developed statewide program manuals based on the Tuberculosis Program Manual template. When creating your manual, you may find it useful to compare these manuals against the template to see how a state program customized the template. You can find the Montana Tuberculosis Program Manual online at http://dphhs2.mt.gov/Portals/85/publichealth/documents/CDEpi/DiseasesAtoZ/TB/manual/01Introduction.pdf and the Washington State TB Services Manual online at http://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/IllnessandDisease/Tuberculosis/HealthcareProfessionals/TBServicesManual.
Project Sponsor
The template was created as a part of TO6 Regional Capacity-Building in Low-Incidence Areas, a five-year project funded by the CDC through TBESC. The project grant was awarded to the University of California, San Francisco, through its Curry International Tuberculosis Center.
Process and Acknowledgements
Content was selected from public domain materials (from the CDC, Regional Training and Medical Consultation Centers, and California Tuberculosis Controllers Association and other sources) and written or edited as needed by subject matter experts Kim Field, Evelyn Lancaster, and Gayle Schack. Review and advice was generously provided by Carol Pozsik and Brenda Ashkar and by Drs. Charles Daley, Charles Nolan, and Randall Reves. All errors and omissions are the responsibility of the Curry International Tuberculosis Center.
Date of Updates: August 2008
Date of Original Release: June 2007