[Archived] TB Free in the University and College Setting

This training has no registration dates yet

Remote video URL

75-Minute Webinar
Originally aired December 6, 2018


Webinar Materials: https://www.currytbcenter.ucsf.edu/trainings/tb-free-university-and-college-setting/materials

This 75-minute webinar discussed TB and LTBI testing and treatment for international students in the university and college setting. The webinar reviewed updates to the American College Health Association (ACHA) TB guidelines, reviewed LTBI treatment options, and discussed a successful model for LTBI screening and treatment in the University setting.

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/_uN5I0tjwfU

*CME and CE units are not being offered for this recording and there is no participant evaluation.


Jennifer Flood, MD, MPH 
TB Control Program Officer Chief
TB Control Branch Division of Communicable Diseases Control
Center for Infectious Diseases
California Department of Public Health
Richmond, CA

James Jacobs, MD, PhD 
Chair-Elect of the Emerging Public Health Threats and Emergency Response Coalition
American College Health Association
Executive Director, Vaden Health Center
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA

James Koski, MD, MPH
Internal Medicine Physician
Oregon State University Student Health Services
Corvallis, OR

Monica Pecha, MPH
TB Controller/Program Manager
Disease Control and Health Statistics
WA State Department of Health
Shoreline, WA

Heidi Behm, RN, MPH
TB Controller, Nurse Consultant
Public Health Division, Oregon Health Authority
Portland, OR

Course Dates
Training Format
Total Hours

United States