When TB is the Least of their Worries: Unstably Housed
(2018, Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center)
This 90-minute webinar presentation helps health care professionals and service providers to recognize and appropriately manage the TB-related health needs of their clients. The webinar describes how substance abuse, mental health and incarceration increase TB risk among unstably housed individuals and identifies measures to improve housing or stabilize social situations for individuals with TB infection or disease.
Costs and Benefits of Homeless TB Screening in San Francisco
(2014, San Francisco Department of Public Health TB Control)
This presentation was created by Dr. Julie Higashi, TB
Controller of San Francisco City and County. In it she explores San
Francisco’s homeless TB screening program, TB program costs, and San
Francisco’s innovative CHANGES system which has assisted SF TB control
with targeted contact investigations in this population.
TB Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness
(2014, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and
This handout of slides presented by Dr. Sapna Bamrah Morris
at the 2014 National TB Controller Conference in Atlanta defines the
problem of TB in people experiencing homeless as well as offering best
practice suggestions for dealing with TB in this vulnerable population.
TB in the Homeless
(2014, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and
This presentation gives an overview of TB in the homeless
population and includes basic information on TB transmission, infection
control recommendations for shelters, and information on a large urban
TB outbreak among homeless persons.
Best Practices in TB Control - TB Among the Homeless: Dealing with Unique Challenges
(2012, Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute)
This webinar, presented by the Global TB Institute at Rutgers University, explores the health factors that coexist with tuberculosis among homeless persons, as well as successful strategies for the prevention and control of tuberculosis among homeless persons in the US. In particular, it elucidates the partnership between health departments and agencies that serve the homeless to improve the coordination of clinical care and contact investigation outcomes.
The format includes an overview of the situation, the perspective of shelter staff, and a case study of collaboration between a local health department, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and homeless services providers.
Shelter Health and Wellness: A Public Health Nurse Perspective
(2012, San Francisco Department of Public Health)
This presentation was created by Kathleen Murphy Shuton, RN, PHN and gives a
general overview of the intersection of public health and social service
providers in San Francisco, CA. It includes tips on training shelter
staff and poster templates to be used in shelter settings.
TB 101
(2011, CDC)
This interactive online course, created by CDC in association with the Regional TB Training Centers, is designed to educate newly hired TB program staff, health care workers in areas related to TB (HIV, corrections), and those who may work with TB patients in their work settings (like homeless shelters) and wish to know more about basic concepts related to TB prevention and control in the United States.
Outbreak of Tuberculosis Among the Homeless
(2009, University of Washington School of Nursing)
The purpose of this interactive case-based learning tool is to engae advanced practice nurses, public health nurses, nurse case managers and TB clinical nurses in learning about an outbreak of TB among the homeless.
Best Practices in TB Control: Enhancing Supportive Social Services for TB Patients
(2008, Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute)
This webinar, presented by the Global TB Institute at Rutgers University, covers resources that can be utilized to assist at-risk TB patients through a multiple layer approach that looks at TB patients as individuals. Strategies practitioners can use to enhance services through system-wide interventions, and through program collaborations are aslo discussed.
Best Practices in TB Control: Working with Substance Users and Homeless Populations
(2007, Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute)
This webinar, presented by the Global TB Institute at Rutgers University, explores successful and innovative approaches to working with these two hard-to-reach groups. Experts from the region share hands-on experiences and practical tools that can improve case management, treatment outcomes, and contact investigations.