Workshop on Tuberculosis (TB) and Homelessness: Infection-Control Measures in Homeless Shelters and Other Overnight Facilities that Provide Shelter -- Summary
(2018, Division of TB Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
39-page report that summarizes the results of a 2015 workshop on TB and homelessness. Public health officials, staff from homeless facilities, and other stakeholders explored strategies for implementing infection control measures in facilities providing services to homeless persons and to highlight resources available to prevent and reduce homelessness.
TB Control in Overnight Homeless Facilities Quick Reference Guide
(2015, Division of TB Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Web page with information and resources on administrative controls -- the management measures designed to reduce the risk for exposure to persons with infectious TB.
Behavioral Health Treatments and Services
(Last Updated: 10/16/2014, SAMHSA)
Learn how health care professionals address common mental illnesses and substance use disorders and how SAMHSA helps people access treatments and services.
Adapting your practice: treatment and recommendations for patients who are homeless with diabetes mellitus
(2013, Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians' Network; 2013)
This national guideline recommends adaptations in standard clinical practices to improve quality of care and health outcomes for homeless adults with diabetes mellitus.
Adapting your practice: treatment and recommendations for unstably housed patients with HIV/AIDS
(2013, Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians' Network; 2013)
This national guideline recommends adaptations in standard clinical practices to improve quality of care and health outcomes for homeless adults with HIV/AIDS.
Contact Investigation Protocols, excerpted from Los Angeles County TB Control Manual
(2013, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health)
Contact investigations (CI) have been a key component of tuberculosis control programs in the U.S. for over 30 years and are considered an essential prevention activity. This guideline explains the protocols used by LA County Public Health and includes both general CI information as well as protocols specifically geared for CI in vulnerable populations.
Guidebook For The Homeless Incentive And Prevention (HIP) Program
(2012, Virginia Department of Health)
This guidebook for Virginia’s HIP program can serve as a guide for creating or modifying homeless incentive and protection programs locally. It is a comprehensive program that could be adapted in part or in full to assist homeless TB patients to find housing. The purpose of this manual is to clarify participation criteria, outline responsibilities, and explain the process.
Adapting Your Practice: General Recommendations for the Care of Homeless Patients
(2010, Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network)
Clinicians with extensive experience caring for individuals who are homeless routinely adapt their practice to foster better outcomes for these patients. This document is intended for health care professionals, students, and ancillary personnel who have less experience working with this population and may not realize that some of their patients are experiencing homelessness.
Documenting Disability: Simple Strategies for Medical Providers
(2007, Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network)
This manual is a guide to documenting medical impairments in
support of applications for the Social Security Administration’s (SSA)
disability benefits programs, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). It is primarily intended
for health care providers in the United States serving individuals with
disabilities who are homeless or marginally housed.
Forging Partnerships to Eliminate Tuberculosis: A Guide and Toolkit
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and
This document is intended for TB controllers and state and
local TB programs and is designed to provide the basic information they
need to create and sustain productive TB partnerships, including
partnerships with social service providers. The guide and toolkit
emphasize involving nontraditional partners in TB
prevention and control efforts.
Case Studies: Providing Treatment For Homeless People With Substance Use Disorders
(2003, National Health Care for the Homeless Council)
These case studies demonstrate appropriate, accessible and effective TB treatment for homeless people with substance abuse related disorders. Based on the experience of six successful programs, this report summarizes best practices such as prioritizing access to appropriate housing and providing comprehensive, well-integrated, client-oriented services with uniquely-qualified staff.